John Screnock (PhD, Toronto) is Research Fellow in Hebrew Bible at the University of Oxford. From 2015–2018, he was Kennicott Junior Research Fellow at Oxford. John researches the Hebrew Bible, the Psalms, Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint, Hebrew linguistics, and textual criticism. His publications include Traductor Scriptor: The Old Greek Translation of Exodus 1–14 as Scribal Activity (Brill, 2017) and articles in Journal of Biblical Literature, Vetus Testamentum, Biblica, Textus, Journal of Semitic Studies, Hebrew Studies, and Dead Sea Discoveries. John's current project, Reading Psalms in the School of the Scribes (OUP), examines scribal activity in the textual witnesses to Psalms for insights into the language, poetics, and interpretation of the Psalms.